| January 29, 2025
Does anything fun ever happen in a hospital parking lot? On Wednesday, January 22, the answer was yes, as former professional motocross racer Steve Bauer once again assembled some of the world’s finest freestyle motocross riders to perform for the kids at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. This event marked the 14th edition of the Big Air Kid’s Fair (BAKF), which Bauer established in 2003, aiming to bring joy to patients and families who are going through some rough times.
Freestyle stars, including Jody Donnelly, Axell Hodges, Brian McCarty, Luke Dolin, Keith Sayers and Jeremy Stenberg performed for the Big Air For Kids Fair at the Loma Linda Children’s Hospital in California.
By Zenobia Wallace
Freestyle motocross athletes Jeremy “Twitch” Stenberg, Axell “SlayCo” Hodges, Keith Sayers, Patrick Evans, Brian “McGnarls” McCarty and Luke Dolin generously contributed their time and talent to create lasting memories for these children. The hospital made extensive arrangements, including rerouting traffic, to provide ample space for the riders to go as big as they wanted to just outside the hospital entrance. Doctors, nurses, patients, families and staff were captivated by the thrilling performance, which was live-streamed to every room in the hospital. Set against the impressive backdrop of the hospital’s two new towers, the sight of six motorcycles performing spectacular backflips in unison was truly breathtaking.
Former FMX and Nitro Circus star Andy Bell said, “The tricks these guys do now are so rad, and this event is a great way to give back to the community that supports our sport.”
Bell flew from Park City, Utah, to attend his 10th Big Air Kid’s Fair, accompanied by Supercross legend Damon Bradshaw and Monster Truck star Cam McQueen.
After the performance and lunch, the riders visited hospital rooms in several groups, handing out tons of swag, signing autographs, and taking pictures with patients. The event was live-streamed throughout the hospital, enabling all patients to enjoy the show irrespective of their mobility.
(Left) Dr. Adrian Cotton, Chief of Medical Operations, LLUH, and BAKF founder Steve Bauer hosted the 14th running of the BAKF.
Thanks to the generosity of various sponsors such as Troy Lee Designs, Team Swolen, Down/Up Design, 100 Percent, Feld Entertainment, FMF, Swap Moto Live, Factory Effex, Pro-Circuit, Kicker, DeCal Works, 101Bikes, AvidMX graphics, Rockwell Time, Matrix Concepts and Fasthouse, there was enough merch to fill three pickup trucks. Additionally, substantial cash donations to the Big Air Kid’s Fair Shining Star Fund allowed for the purchase of every item on the hospital’s “wish list.” These are “feel good” items that typically fall outside of the hospital budget constraints but are just what the doctor ordered, according to Bauer.
Bauer expressed his gratitude: “The support from the moto industry, riders, racers and friends has been overwhelming. This event has always been about instant gratification for the patients, their families and the dedicated caregivers at the hospital…we make sure everyone gets something. I’m hopeful that it’s helped change the public’s perception of dirt bikers and motorcyclists in general. Several friends have mentioned that doctors at Loma Linda show more empathy and are much less judgmental than those at other hospitals. We feel privileged to be here and appreciate the hospital allowing us to do something for these young warriors. We have all spent time in the hospital and couldn’t wait to get out. Most of us now have children of our own, and our hearts go out to everyone here.”
It was a day of smiles for all the Loma Linda Children’s Hospital patients.
This project holds significant meaning for Bauer, and witnessing the children’s smiles makes all the hard work worthwhile. Bauer said from the event, “I want to thank all my friends who donated to support this project from the bottom of my heart—you know who you are. Huge props to the many companies listed who donated products to the cause, some of them from day one. I also owe a debt of gratitude to my friends who came from out of state to be here and help, some from as far away as Kentucky. I have to say that these crazy FMX riders are some of the coolest, most genuine people I have ever known, and the patients loved them. Lastly, I want to thank Nancy and Bristol for spending an entire day shopping for wish list items from multiple stores until they got everything and my daughter, Gabbi, for coming all the way from Boston to be here.”
All the riders were humbled and expressed their desire to return next year. Having organized this event for over 20 years, Bauer says it feels too good to quit. Donations, both monetary and product, enable the continuation of this event. Those interested in contributing to future events can contact Steve Bauer directly at www.bigairkidsfair.com. The Big Air Kid’s Fair Shining Star Fund is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.